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A Long Way Tired SCHWARK

If I was a runner, I think that I’d be great at running marathons. But I don’t run. I do, however, run my life as one might train and complete a marathon.

Everywhere I turn, someone is buzzing about running.  There are websites, magazines, and complete product lines geared just for the long distance runner.  Even though my knees, which need some TLC, are not able to give it a go, I can’t help but let some of these messages seep through.  Many things can still apply to my own non-running life.

Training & Gear:
You don’t need a celebrity personal trainer (though if you need one, I know a fabulous one in Westchester!) nor do you need the top of the line gear to start taking the first step. Are they helpful? Possibly, but the only one taking those steps and literally walking the walk is YOU.

This is true for anything that you are passionate about in your life. We are living at a time where you can learn practically anything with a few clicks of the computer. Want to learn how to cook Shoyu Eggs Benedict Sashimi Ahi? Oh, Kristin can help you with that here.  How about Mod Podging a table with old letters?  Dagmar has the scoop here. Travel, cooking, writing, sewing, photography, parenting, coding, star gazing, environment conservation- you name it, and you will find find tips of the trade on whichever digital platform you frequent. Most of the material and suggestions you find are even… FREE. Imagine that!

Start Where You Are Now:
You don’t just start out running 25.2 miles the first day, and then follow it up the next with the full 26.2 marathon. Wherever you are, you can ONLY start there, and then stretch and push yourself just beyond that, inching closer and closer to your goal one step at a time. One foot in front of the other, covering distance, gaining strength and gradually moving forward.

Share Your Progress:
This isn’t about the “look at how awesome I am” kind of sharing, this is about the being honest about your journey and giving those closest to you an opportunity to show their support. This is about living with your heart on your sleeve in an effort to inspire someone else to take the first steps to start running their own marathon.

Ask for and Accept Help:
This one is a tough one [for me] to tackle. I hate asking for help or even worse- accepting help. Those people that I just mentioned above? Those are the ones that will line the route of your marathon cheering you on and will be waiting along the side to hand you sustenance as you keep going.

Don’t Give Up:
We are capable of so much more than we ever imagined. That struggle and pain that you are in the middle of? The hill that is kicking your ass and slowing your pace? Whatever the outcome of your current situation, your journey, your life doesn’t just halt right here at that obstacle. There’s either a way around it, over it, or through it. This is a marathon remember, and you have what it takes to run the course that you are currently pounding. At the end of this particular journey, you might not get a cool shirt to wear, or a 26.2 sticker to slap on your car, but you may find that you’ve been given something even greater- whatever that may be.

What is the marathon that you are currently running, and how I help support you

About Post Author

Kelly Schwark

Writer, Blogger, Artist, Flying-solo Mom, Supports our military, small business, and NASA. Interests: SocialMedia, Psychology, and TEDx Talks
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Kelly Schwark

Writer, Blogger, Artist, Flying-solo Mom, Supports our military, small business, and NASA. Interests: SocialMedia, Psychology, and TEDx Talks

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