Read Time:32 Second
With a swirl of activity, the school year officially came to an end this week. My kiddo wanted to see her first day of first grade, which of course, resulted in the creation of a Flipagram that she has watched a dozen times already.
Viewing this 30 second recap, flipping along, happily to Pharrell Williams’ Happy, I am amazed that this reflects September through June. The sayings, “just yesterday” and “a lifetime ago“ both feel appropriate. I think that sums up much of life these days.
For now though, in this brief window of a moment where you and I are passing by, Happy Summer!
About Post Author
Kelly Schwark
Writer, Blogger, Artist, Flying-solo Mom, Supports our military, small business, and NASA. Interests: SocialMedia, Psychology, and TEDx Talks
Thank you so much for sharing this, love you Kel!