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Website BeThankful 2


Website BeThankful 1

Autumn is one of my favorite season.  Not only for the absolutely breathtaking change of color that takes place in nature, casting warm hues as the cool breeze carries hints of someone’s fireplace, but for the wave of gratitude that washes over most people.  I’ve loved reading the countdown to Thanksgiving of things that everyone is grateful for this year.  And we all have something to be thankful for.

I want to challenge you this year
to turn your gratitude into actions!

If you are like me, you have been inundated with advertisements for “UNBELIEVABLE BLACK FRIDAY SALES,” leading us to believe that we and our loved ones NEED MORE.  We need the newest phone, newest game system, newest “limited time only” item, we need this season’s hottest bag, or trendiest attire items… and we need LOTS of them.

But we don’t really need them, do we?  At least this is what I’m trying to get my young and impressionable six year old to understand.

Things we DO NEED:
We need a clean and safe environment.
We need clothing and shelter.
We need a sense of belonging and acceptance.
We need a solid and healthy sense of self.

The rest are just abundant blessings that we are given.  So take we take what we are most appreciative of this Thanksgiving and give to those that are struggling to fulfill their actual NEEDS.  There are countless ways, especially now, to get involved.

The Community Center of Northern Westchester is a great place to start!  They are currently collecting for the Holiday Season, so why not pick up a few extra things when you do your grocery shopping for next Thursday?  From CCNW’s website:

Here are some foods we especially need for the holiday season:

  • Frozen Turkeys (up to 12 lbs.)
  • Frozen Turkey Breasts
  • Frozen Roaster Chickens (6-7 lbs.)
  • Flour and Sugar (1 or 2 lbs. bags)
  • Coffee (instant or ground)
  • Tea Bags (small boxes)
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Fruit Juice (64 oz./family size)
  • Butter Cookies (in tins)
  • Cake Mixes

In addition to the Community Center of Northern Westchester, if you are familiar with Midnight Run, a local Westchester based organization that regularly brings necessities to the homeless on the streets of New York City, then you might want to get involved by sponsoring financial support to their sister program: Project S.H.A.R.E.  Since 1989, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, they **host** several busloads of homeless families and individuals as guests.  Several of my amazing family members have been working with them for years now, and I was blessed to have attended the event a few times myself.  I say blessed because volunteering there is truly an experience of being blessed.  To help them, click on the image below and you will be redirected to their donation page.  They only have a few days left to reach their goal!


Community Center of Northern Westchester: website

Website BeThankful 4


Let me know what ways you and your family are going to put your gratitude to action this year!

About Post Author

Kelly Schwark

Writer, Blogger, Artist, Flying-solo Mom, Supports our military, small business, and NASA. Interests: SocialMedia, Psychology, and TEDx Talks
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Kelly Schwark

Writer, Blogger, Artist, Flying-solo Mom, Supports our military, small business, and NASA. Interests: SocialMedia, Psychology, and TEDx Talks