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Above image taken in Cape May, New Jersey. (Available for purchase soon.)
I so love to watch a good sunset. It reminds me of watching an artist working en plain air. Slowly, bit by bit, you witness the shapes of the clouds come together and the colors grow deeper and richer. And if it’s a really good piece of work, it warms your heart, puts a smile on your face and strikes a chord in your soul. Don’t forget to take time in your day to watch the work of art that is in progress just for us. (As amazing as the colors are in the image above, there was no color correction done to achieve it!)
Chairs on the lawn of Congress Hall in Cape May, New Jersey.
About Post Author
Kelly Schwark
Writer, Blogger, Artist, Flying-solo Mom, Supports our military, small business, and NASA. Interests: SocialMedia, Psychology, and TEDx Talks
Beautiful photography!